Dr. Petracek belongs to the best-in-class instructors at #DIA. He has a long history of professional trainings and speaking courses at DIA events worldwide, and enjoys participating in these focused trainings that concentrate on educating members of the pharmacovigilance industry.
This training takes place on April 24-25, 2017. The location is Berlin, Germany.
The attendees will learn:
- Legal possibilities for benefit optimization and risk minimization of products in the EU
- Designing Benefit-Risk management systems using current regulatory tools, including EU Risk Management Plans (EU-RMPs), Development Safety Update Report (DSUR), Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR)
- Best study designs for safety and efficacy follow-up, and how to measure their effectiveness
Professionals most likely to benefit from this training are those in charge of the design and maintenance of risk management systems, pharmacovigilance auditing or inspecting, Qualified Persons for Pharmacovigilance (QPPVs) and heads of Benefit-Risk management, patient safety, or lifecycle management.
Details of the event are posted on the DIA Website.