PrimeVigilance Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

PrimeVigilance recognizes that its activities and operations have a societal impact and we place a high emphasis on our social responsibilities. We have in place extensive policies on Corporate Social Responsibility covering relevant areas. These policies are published on our internal company internet portal and are briefly outlined below. At the present time, whilst some policies are fully implemented, other policies, or some elements within policies, are aspirational and we will work towards achieving them. Working groups within the company, including employees from all levels, are dedicated to implementing these policies.

CSR policies cover these broad topics:

  • Customers and stakeholders: we enter into professional, responsible and cordial relationships with our customers, suppliers, regulators and competitors. Our CSR policy describes the manner in which we interact with our customers, including how we make proposals and charge for our services in a fair, ethical and transparent way and show due accountability for our actions. Our behaviour is strongly focused on the needs of our customers and their satisfaction is of great importance to us. We deal fairly with our suppliers and competitors
  • Communications: we encourage effective, professional, open and honest communication at all levels internally and with our customers. In the CSR policy, we emphasise the importance of good communication within and between departments in the company and with the Board and the mechanisms for achieving this are described. The policy also covers the need for excellent communication with our customers and the concepts of how this can be achieved
  • The workplace: we provide a well-maintained comfortable working environment. The physical environment in our offices is described in our CSR policy, but this also covers the social environment which is supportive and collegial such that each employee feels respected and able to give their best
  • Employee relations: our employees are of paramount importance to our success: recruitment is based on merit and suitability and all are treated with equal openness, honesty and respect in a dynamic environment that fosters development, excellence and a sense of personal value. The CSR policy explains how this is to be achieved, including the principles of: recruitment, terms of employment, job descriptions, hours of work, availability of resources, leave, reporting structure, appraisals, bullying, whistle-blowing and grievance management, personal crisis support, team-building and the need for an open, non-blaming culture.